The Challenge 35 Double Elimination: Jordan is so lonely without his fiance Tori (you know), the one that thought she outsmarted Jenny and sent her own self home last week., Yup!!! (The Plan Done Changed On YOU Gurrrrrl )…

Anyways, The Decontamination Challenge is the name of the Game. Cory had a good strategy in the Game to remember the different and exact colors to put on the stack pile, but it has done him (no good) because he did not Win. Bananas and Wes think too much of themselves Like, So Arrogant! Bananas didn’t invent anything!!, he should have invented himself a winner! LoL

The Color Stack Pile 1st winners:
Fessy was the Guy to finish his color stack pile and Mattie was the Gal to finish her color stack pile.
Nelson vs. Kyle: No Fight Here! Nothing to see but Two Guys getting a close-up (face-to-face). During the color stack pile challenge, Nelson was choking inside the form and appeared to be lost! Everyone is concerned that it has taken him a while to get out the form (presto, he’s alive) No missin’ person reports to fill out. Big T bugged out when she jumped off the top bunk bed, (cut her foot), and got stitches. Here is a Deleted scene below –
It’s her own fault, and glad she’s alright! JOSH is so whacked Out !!! ( just Shockin’) right?

The Challenge Double Elimination Pole Wrestling
Fessy vs. Jordan: What it really was, is, not a fair match at all !! Fessy has (2) two good working Arms & Hands, but Jordan does not. Jordan did not give up, so Congrats! to Jordan (even though he Lost).
Nelson vs. Bear: I Did Not see them “Pole Wrestling“, they both look like their “Pole Dancing” together without music (LOL). Nelson and Fessy join the “Red Skull Team“.